19 Nov 2011

Artisan bread delivered in Ruscombe, Whiteshill and Randwick?

Would you like an artisan loaf, handmade with love, delivered to your door? Sour dough, Italian foccacia, ciabatta, Pain Viennoise, wholemeal, rye  and more. For some people getting to the shops can be difficult here's a chance to have quality bread delivered to your door. Some folks may have seen my blog here about local bread maker Clair Griffiths well if there is enough interest we could be having bread delivered! Please email her to let her know you are interested - if she gets enough then she'll start a trial scheme....

Here is what she writes to the next edition of theWaRbler: "I have been making my own bread daily for years now, and everyone who tastes it wants some for themselves!  I try to pass on the skill of making it, but for some this isn't possible, however eating it is their pleasure!  I'm hoping to be able to supply our local community (Ruscombe, Whiteshill & Randwick) with a regular service of good quality, organic artisan breads, but I would like to get a feel for how many of you out there are really interested...I would appreciate you sharing your interest ~ thank you - Claire Griffiths. Email Claire if you are interested: chickpeas(at)hotmail.co.uk "

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