2 Apr 2014

Green inspiration

Are you building a better future and seeking a sustainable way of life? Worn down by the deniers, and naysayers? Feeling overwhelmed by social injustice and destructive, short-term political thinking? In need of some inspiration?

Storytelling for a Greener World is a book rich in inspiration. Practitioners discuss ways of using stories to engage people with landscapes, and each other, to create meaningful change. The book is peppered with stories which will encourage, challenge and inspire you. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a ‘story teller’ we humans are in essence story telling creatures. We tell each other stories all the time – little anecdotes, memories, aspirations and ideas. All of us can harness that storytelling to support, encourage and inspire each other. The sharing of stories about how we really can create a more sustainable future, is an important part of how we’re going to get there.

Several contributors to this book are Stroud based, while a number of others have Gloucestershire connections, and the launch will be at the Sub Rooms on the 11th of April.

More information about the book and the event here - http://www.anthonynanson.co.uk/Storytelling_for_a_Greener_World.html

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