2 Apr 2014

A viable future

On March 11th, people all over the world remembered the victims of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster 3 years ago. In the Forest of Dean, STAND (Severnside Together Against Nuclear Development), organised a special commemorative meeting on the harbour wall of Lydney Docks to remember the people of Fukushima.

With nuclear development on the agenda for Oldbury, people in Gloucestershire are increasingly aware of our vulnerability.  Fukushima showed us all too plainly that flooding at the Oldbury site would put us all in danger – a real risk given rising sea levels and climate change bringing more torrential rain. We do not want to be the world’s next nuclear disaster. We do not want to be the tragic dead whose memory future protestors will gather to commemorate.  

Stroud’s Molly Scott-Cato, the Green Party MEP candidate for the South West, was one of the speakers and features in this film by Philip Booth.

We need a sane, sustainable future based on safe technology, not highly dangerous and destructive nuclear energy, which is far from clean once you take into account the process of sourcing and refining uranium.


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