21 Mar 2014

Stroud events

Here’s the current list of things we know about that are happening in the near future.  Where relevant, we’re also listing events a bit further afield that you might be interested in, too.
If you are aware of other talks, events, workshops or other community activities in the coming week or so, please do mention them in the comments. If there’s an event you would like our support in promoting, please email the details to brynnethnimue (at) gmail (dot) com.

Why do architects wear bow ties?
Why do highway engineers wear short-sleeved shirts?
Why don’t other countries have pedestrian guardrails?
What exactly is Eric Pickles for...?

The answer to these and many other perplexing questions will by revealed when writer and cartoonist Rob Cowan gives an illustrated talk to Stroud Civic Society entitled:

PLANDEMONIUM  Does the standard of design in new development really have to be so bad?
8pm | Thursday 27th March (AGM at 7.30pm) | Old Town Hall, The Shambles, Stroud GL5 1AP
Admission:  £2.00/members  £3.00/guests  (including a glass of wine).

Rob Cowan is a highly entertaining and inspirational speaker, with a shrewd eye for the follies and foibles of the planning system.  His talk will be illustrated with many of his own cartoons, which mercilessly lampoon the Byzantine complexities, wilful obfuscations and bureaucratic inertia of ‘planning’.

All are welcome to what promises to be a funny, memorable and illuminating evening.

If you're on Facebook, you can see further details including some of Rob's cartoons here:

Rob Cowan is an urbanist and writer, and director of the consultancy UDS (Urban Design Skills).  His many publications include The Dictionary of Urbanism and Plandemonium, an anthology of the best of his 20 years of published cartoons.  He also presents the Plandemonium series of videos.

*  *  *
Storytelling for a Greener World with Jonathon Porritt and Alida Gersie: 11 April, 7.30pm; Stroud Subscription  Rooms. How can environmental organisations use storytelling to engage visitors, students, members, staff and the community with nature? And enable pro-environmental change?

Stroud Eco-Renovation Open Homes
We will again be presenting our Open Homes weekend, this year on the Bank Holiday weekend of May 3rd and 4th, 2014

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