15 Oct 2013

Interview with nuclear waste expert

Waste Not, Want Not – the Future of Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Safety in Gloucestershire. Oldbury1 
John Large, engineering consultant and former researcher to Greenpeace, talked about nuclear waste at a public event organised by Stroud District Green Party on Thursday 26th September 2013 at the Old Town Hall, The Shambles, High St, Stroud. This is an interview with Philip Booth after the talk in which John Large considered the options for dealing with the existing and future radioactive waste at Oldbury (see photo view from Randwick Woods right) and how the quantity and dispersion of this waste might be enormously increased and spread in the event of an accident.

See film at: http://stroudcommunity.tv/the-future-of-radioactive-waste-and-nuclear-safety-in-gloucestershire/

Cllr Simon Pickering commenting on the current consultation re nuclear waste, said: “After 50 years there is still no safe solution to Nuclear waste. This is a genuinely insane situation with Tory, Labour and Libdem still relying on future nuclear power when there is no safe storage. This government consultation just puts off the terrible problem for another 30 years – putting the problem on our grandchildren. I ask you, would any householder in the UK install an energy generating system in their house that cost twice as much to run and you have store all the radioactive waste products in their house for millions of years making it completely unsalable and a threat to you future generations. The answer would be no – yet this is what the government is asking the nation to do  and now they are offering bribes to rural community let down by their economic policies"

See consultation documents – open until 5th December 2013:

Download flyer for evening at:
John Large has made available the  fully illustrated Powerpoint presentation to download at:

The Green Party, alone out of all the main parties, embraces clean energy sources and opposes dirty energy such as nuclear power, and of course the Government’s promotion of fracking for methane. See more about Stroud District Green Party at: http://www.stroudgreenparty.org.uk/

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