16 Jan 2011

Gas delight in Bread Street

Bread Street and some other parts of Ruscombe have had a series of gas escapes over previous months. This has been concerning to many of us. In some places the road has been dug up several times and on one occasion at 2 in the morning.

Photo: dealing with one of the emergency gas leaks

I was told that it would be 4 years until they could replace the old iron pipes with polyethylene plastic pipes with an 80 year life span. However after several communications with Wales and West Utilities expressing concern I have now just heard that this plan has now been revised. Work to the 449 metres of pipe will now be done between April 2011 and April 2012. This will mean disruption and letters and even a DVD will be sent to householders when the work is planned. However, I for one, will be reassured when the problems are sorted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought your title said "gaslight in Bread street"..

Glad you are keeping up with the times up there.