23 Sept 2009

Randwick a Cold Calling Zone? Foxes Field and more

Randwick Parish meeting last Thursday covered lots of ground - more later in this post about the meeting and other bits - but first it started with a discussion after a presentation by Ricky Pellatt about Cold Calling and possibly setting up a scheme in Randwick.

This is all about trying to stop residents becoming the victims of distraction crimes and bogus callers.
Signs would be attached to lamp posts in the area warning cold callers and uninvited salespeople are not welcome. A bogus caller helpline number will also be displayed on the signs along with a 999 number.

It is true that these crimes are particularly distressing for older people and we heard stories of one local person done for £40,000 and several other examples. To go-ahead with this more than 50% of replies in an area to a request by the Parish or other need to be in favour of the zone - I have to say I dislike yet more signage that can also contribute to raising people's fears that this is a cold caller area. In fact there appear to be few examples in our area - nevertheless it is a problem and this is an effective way of stopping cold calling groups come to an area. What do others think? See more details re No Cold Calling Zones here.

So what else at the Parish?

I gave a brief report re the inquiries I'm involved in re planning and climate change (several meetings already relating to the planning one - again apols not in this blog yet as so much info!), an update on the disasters relating to the Housing Revenue Account and housing service - that is for discussion tonight at Full Council - all set to be a fiery meeting - you can see the scrutiny meeting last week that I went to on webcast here - that was also a more interesting one than usual - at one point I think I ask the same question 4 or 5 times - anyhow there will be more tonight so I wont cover that here now.

There was also feedback relating to a planning application that I have made enquiries about - of course the proposed development just in Stonehouse ward also came up - see clipping - there is a public meeting on 29th held by David Drew - unfortunately I have another Council meeting that night but would urge people to go - it would be crazy if this field was developed - it is the last green space between Stroud and Stonehouse - indeed I am astonished it has got to this point.

Anyway the Parish are also moving forward on identifying street lights that could be switched off late at night like in Whiteshill and Ruscombe, the '20 is Plenty' signage is nearly ready to order....anyway that will do for now as must dash to work...


Kleeneze said...

I appreciate that residents do fall victim to some bogus callers but what about legitimate companies who use this methodology such as Kleeneze. They are also part of Neighbourhood Watch

Philip said...

Thanks for this - I will pass on comments - have used Kleeneze in the past myself and found it a good service.

Pasqua said...

Rest assured. What Kleeneze do is not cold calling. All they do is drop a brochure through the door and residents may then choose to respond if they wish.

Kleeneze only ever call when invited to do so.

Melvin said...


Endless surveys show that the requirement to make huge cold calls is the reason why sales people quit. Bad cold calling is very demoralizing and has a very negative impact on sales performance.

Alexander said...

I have my own company and with out cold calling it would have a serous effect on business.