23 Jun 2009

Urgent: call for transparent inquiry on Iraq

Tomorrow parliament is voting on whether or not the Iraq Inquiry should be public. A popular outcry against a secret inquiry is already causing Gordon Brown to waver. A good result in Wednesday's vote will help force his hand.

It's going to be close [see here], and many MPs haven't yet decided which way to vote - in the next couple of days our input can make a real difference. So there are plans by 38degrees to flood parliament with copies of petitions, asking MPs to ensure that this inquiry won't be another stitch up.

Sign here: http://38degrees.org.uk/page/s/IraqInquiry

Evidence has just emerged that Tony Blair is the main figure pushing Brown to keep the inquiry secret, to protect his own reputation. Meanwhile a vast range of experts, including former senior government and military figures, have now spoken up to say there's no justification for keeping us in the dark [see here]. Last week, Brown tried to pass the buck by telling the inquiry chairman to choose which bits to make public. We know that's not good enough - only a genuinely public inquiry will guarantee a proper process we can trust. The Prime Minister who just announced a new "era of transparency" must use his power to guarantee this.

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