29 May 2009

Cashes Green Hospital site: make your comments known

Cashes Green Hospital site planning application is in - view papers here - comments etc need to be in v soon - the proposal includes the 'erection of up to 78 dwellings, parking, open space (allotments, local area for play and ancillary open space), ancillary uses and associated access works'.

Photo: the old allotment site

Two weeks or so ago I went the Cainscross Parish Council AGM and haven't had time to catch up here. Firstly it is excellent news indeed that it has now been agreed that 50% of the housing should be affordable. Originally the whole site was going to be but this has been seriously threatened to the point where I was starting to think we would get the minimum. It is also exciting that it is an innovative project putting together the affordable bit....it is clearly quite difficult getting the thing to stack up financially - especially when there will already need to be a substantial amount of grant funding to build the properties.

However despite all the probs - it would be wonderful to establish a housing project with higher levels of sustainability, land for food growing, community gardens, orchards and open space...however there are a number of issues I raised at that meeting...in v brief here are a couple of key issues below that spring to mind re the plans...I will be talking to Officers next week to find out more re other issues I will raise...

- Allotments - we can call for restoration of all the original site of allotments - already Cainscross is the highest concentration of houses and has the least green spaces in District. We need more areas to grow food.Indeed their is now a petition out to collect signatures to protect this site of allotments.

- I am not convinced that traffic measures on the Cashes Green road have been properly considered - we need a 20 mph on all surrounding roads esp Cashes Green Road

- I am also wondering if there cannot be a better way of integration with Hollybrook - I thought at one time there was talk of changing boundaries

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