20 Nov 2008

Coffee House Discussion on art and seeds

I do want to mention briefly the great evening we had recently in Star Anise - the Coffee House discussion on "In what ways can art contribute to sustainability?" Plus below details of the next one on seeds...

Photos: speakers and cafe

Lesley Greene, a former Green District councillor (pictured left) and well know County Public Art Consultant, chaired the evening which saw three local artists speak from different view points - Alan Thornhill spoke first about the transformational possibilities of art and more, then it was Ray Hedges who recently painted a mural at Lower Slaughter village then Laura Ridolfi from the perspective of an art therapist.

I was hoping to include here Lesley's report on the event as she writes much much better on this than ever I could - but I hear it may not be out for a few days more - it was good to hear mention during the evening of the wonderful Cape Farewell project but also the discussion about when art becomes art and artists Vs non-artists if such a division could be made...blast I was going to write more now but have to go to a meeting sooner than expected....hope to return to this topic in future....

Next discussion:

SOS - Save Our Seeds. Come and discuss the threat to the World's seeds. Bring seeds to swap with others. Why is saving seed important? What is wrong with hybrid seeds? Can we develop locally adapted plant variaties? Open to anyone - 7.30 to 9.30pm at Star Anise Arts Cafe at the Painswick Inn, Gloucester Street, Stroud.

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