21 Jul 2008

Response at last to questions re Emergency Procedures

In January I attended an Emergency procedures workshop and afterwards submitted a series of key questions - I have asked three or four times for a response and finally last week I got a reply - hardly the answers I wanted but the answers I expected - see the original questions here - but then the County only have certain responsibilities.

Photos: walk yesterday up to Randwick

To me this secrecy over Emergency Planning around nuclear is very worrying - I have been unable to obtain info about whether they even have stocks of potassium iodate tablets held locally - let alone if they could be distributed in the time required....anyhow here are the answers given...I will respond but don't hold out much hope for any answers...

1. Increasing Awareness of Emergency Procedures
EMS has developed a Community Response Plan template and in partnership with the District Councils has held a number of workshops for Parish Councils/Community Groups to promote community resilience and encourage them to develop their own community plans. A workshop was held for the Stroud Parish Councils on 11 February.

2. Hexafluorosilic acid on our Roads
Gloucestershire County Council responded to the Safe Water Campaign letter in June 2005. The emergency services are aware of the dangers of this acid and would deal with the incident. The local authority would arrange for the disposal of the contaminated waste and the transportation and disposal of the waste would be agreed with the Environment Agency at the time.

3. Nuclear Incident
The County Council Berkeley Nuclear Power Station off-site plan provides the basis for dealing with radiation emergencies that are not reasonably foreseeable through the concept of extendibility.

3.1 Terrorism
The police have responsibility for planning for terrorist attacks so I am unable to provide the information you requested.

3.2 Protective Suits
I am unable to provide information on the police protective suits. The local authority do not have any NBC suits and they would not be allowed entry to an area with a radiation hazard.

3.3 Toxicity Exposure levels
This is not an issue as local authority staff will not be allowed entry to an area with a radiation hazard.

3.4 Attendance at Nuclear Incidents
Same answer as in 3.3 above.

3.5 Potassium Iodate Tablets
Not issued as only 6 residents within PIZ for Berkeley. Public Health would supply if required and also in the event of an incident from outside the County where extendibility arrangements came into being.

3.6 Emergency Plan
Off-Site plan for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station prepared in 2002 following consultation with all relevant stakeholders as recommended in Regulation 9(12). The plan is reviewed annually and tested every 3 years as required by REPIR regulations. There is no requirement to make the plan publicly available. Public within PIZ are consulted by way of an Annual Calendar giving emergency safety advice and the plan contains information advice that would be released to all members of the public in the event of a radiation emergency.

4. Flood Crisis Management
Stronger measures regarding public movement could only be made at national government level. I believe that existing procedures for providing public health information is sound.

Gloucestershire LRF has developed a Water Distribution Plan and all local authorities have been consulted and agreed where bowsers will be sited for any future disruptions.

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