18 Jun 2008

Talk on Ruscombe Brook and managing our local water courses

The Ruscombe Brook Action Group will meet in Randwick Village Hall (by the Playing Fields) on Tuesday 8th July at 7.30pm for their AGM to share progress of improvements to the brook, an report by a Italian Masters degree student working on plans for the brook and hopes for future work. Drinks and nibbles. All welcomed. Further details from Philip Booth on 01453 755451.

Meanwhile last night was a Brook Action Group meeting - so much to talk about that we didn't escape until 10.40pm.....plans for AGM (see above), a pack for householders to show how they get money back if they put their water into soakaways, an offer from a local bank to send 15 to 20 people for a day to help clear a few key sections of the brook, a funding bit to update our website (much needed), a closer look at Problems in Puckshole and more. Indeed come and hear about it all at the AGM.

We've also been following up on the recent incident of sewage leaking (see previous blog entries) - here is one of the comments from the person who first found the problem: "On 1st June I found a manhole cover adjacent to the brook was displaced and raw sewage was running into the pond and brook. On the following morning I called Severn Trent who quickly attended and found that the sewer section between the manhole on my farm and the next manhole on the near-by farm was blocked. The blockage could not be cleared by rodding. They then arranged for high pressure water clearance from the next manhole down. This cleared the blockage but the raw sewage had to be pumped from the pond down the sewer line. Not all the sewage could be pumped and a large quantity passed down the brook. The following day a camera was passed through that section of sewer and a half brick was discovered, this may have caused the original problem."

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