Image: Tibetan flag
This is an issue I feel very strongly about - in the early 80s I spent a month in Tibet and also heard the Dalai Lama speak in India - since then I have supported the Tibetan people's hopes for more independence.
It seems shocking to me that Brown is happy to condemn the governments of Burma and Zimbabwe, but remains silent on the appalling human rights record of China, specifically in Tibet. The Chinese government is subjugating the whole population of Tibet, and attempting to destroy the whole Tibetan culture - the current protests in Tibet and suppression (China is sending in troops and sealing off the region today) is deeply worrying - I would also like to see our Government support the Dalai Lama's call for an immediate end to the repression of Tibetan protestors and support the Tibetan peoples' demands for national independence.
In a year when China is hosting the Olympic games and doing all it can to present a clean image to the world, it is essential that this image is challenged and the real brutality of the China regime is exposed. Please sign the online petition, it only takes a minute. Already over 8,100 have signed - we need loads more to make an impact. Please pass this link on.
The Canadian and Australian prime ministers have agreed to meet the Dalai Lama in spite of the anger this will cause to the Chinese government.
See the on line petition at:
See also Avaaz petition:
To find out more about the situation in Tibet:
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