23 Dec 2007

Ruscombe Brook mini-projects - the way forward

We had a good Ruscombe Brook Action Group meeting on Saturday morning - all very positive indeed and a good plan to move forward - below are the notes I have just written for the minutes - would love to explain more but Christmas is creeping up rapidly...

Photos: Helen with her flipchart presentation, the meeting and after the meeting clearing out a householders flowforms!

Minutes of mini RBAG meeting at 10.00am on Sat 22nd December 2007 at Stefans house.

Present: Stefan, Zarin, Philip (minutes). Keith, Simon. Helen
Apols: Julia C

These notes are very brief and will be discussed at more length at the next RBAG meeting on Tues 22nd Dec at Zarins house. The purpose of the meeting was to present a possible way forward for the group. Helen Patrick kindly kicked us off with a very useful presentation of what we had achieved and a summary of some of the issues. Philip also noted some very issues raised by Julia Currie in a memo to the meeting.

The group suggested the following as a way forward. The wider RBAG group at the next meeting can consider the plan; those present at this mini-meeting may also have some further thoughts.

We first discussed the role of RBAG in getting improvements. Agreed to lead others on the project but that we were not in a position at present to take on a more significant role as suggested by Water 21s recent report. The group agreed to keep an open mind on this and would also look at others if such proposals were put.

After discussion we agreed to identify smaller projects that sub-groups or individuals could take forward. Some suggestions to lead those projects have been made but need further discussion - indeed the group would welcome other RBAG members or even those outside the immediate group to help. Another key issue was the level of priority - what work will have most effect?

1. Draft plans for brook (hopefully by mid-Feb)
- particularly the upper reaches in Ruscombe where we will need to start first

2. Householders engagement project
- this would include at least two elements:
(a) Consultation
(b) An info pack for householders to include: how to get rebate from Severn Trent Water (poss draft letter), what householders can do (eg water butts at a reduced price from Stroud District Council? Green Shop info on more extensive measures? Info to homes re permeable drives?). Funding from who?

3. Further work on SUDs
- Highways run-off
- Yellow Fish
- 'Puckshole project' - is culvert too small? What else?

4. On-going work to improve existing sewage system
- liaison with Severn Trent

5. Grit bins
- make more vandalism proof

6. Landowners engagement project
- consult with local landowners about how they want to move forward eg manure, cattle etc
- what support can we provide?

7. Wider political issues
- correspondence re SUDs
- Ruscombe water quality Standard
- Rainfall measures

8. Getting to know our stream
- walk length - involve others
- District Council's initiative re Watercourse wardens

Other issues discussed included poss Water 21 conference later in year and our next AGM

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