1 Nov 2006

Save Guy Fawkes Campaign?

Only one Trick or Treat last night - one of the advantages of living a little bit out of town - at my partners home she usually gets 5 or 6 visits....However I'd been thinking how Halloween seems to be getting bigger and bigger in the shops - even made a comment the otherday when I came across stacks of those scary costumes....like packaged ready-made meals fancy dress now comes already packaged - we've lost the joy in making the costume?

Anyhow I just now read some words that rang very true from an American working in UK for Corporate Watch re Halloween. She said:
'At the end of the day, it's just easier, and more profitable for American companies to market one holiday globally instead of producing and marketing items for more culturally specific holidays, like Guy Fawkes. In doing this, multinational corporations are taking away the some of the qualities that make cultures and places unique. And, as much as I love Halloween (and I really do), its a sad thing to see it overtake Guy Fawkes day in England, and little by little strip away the things that make England, England.'
Things are always developing and changing - but it is sad that it is the corporations that are pushing and driving some of those changes - let us not forget that Santa was in part developed by Coca Cola. Whose for a 'Save Guy Fawkes Campaign' before it is too late?

It reminds me of the organisation Common Ground - they've done some wonderful stuff around local distinctiveness - make the time to explore their website and thoughts at:

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