12 Oct 2006

Conkers, Safe Water and Green meeting

A great evening walk with 41 children looking for conkers in Bisley - the rain held off and we had a wonderful sunset - part of the Woodcraft Folk - an excellent approach to childcare!!!

Today I also attended the monthly meeting of the Safe Water campaign for Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire - a group I helped set up to oppose the Government plans to fluoridate our water - over 60 local members and over 1000 local signatures on our petitions - a core group of us meet regularly to build support and awareness - we've had many stalls and more planned along with letters challenging the pro-fluoridation lobby. Read our leaflet which is currently on the Glos Green party website. But we also have other info on our BBC Action Network site. Sadly I haven't got around to keeping it very up to date - is there anyone out there who could help?? For more info go to the National Pure Water Association.

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time." Robert Carton, PhD, scientist, formerly of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

The day finished with the monthly Green party meeting - probably bored new members with talk of elections but we had some interesting discussions on the Environment Green paper and finished - as we usually do - with a discussion topic. This time on power and political influence - very interesting - Greens seem to have shied away sometimes from using power - probably too many example of misuses and abuses - nevertheless times are changing and there is a new mood and understanding that to have power isn't necessarily a bad thing and of course is vital to bring about the changes we need so very much. Blair and Thatcher are perfect examples of how things can go so badly wrong. Anyhow the discussions carried on in the pub...

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