1 Aug 2006

RBAG response to proposed Folly Farm footpath change

See 28th July Blog for background details and links to maps re the proposed footpath change. Below is an email to Stroud District Council expressing points re this change from the Ruscombe Brook Action Group:

At a meeting of the Ruscombe Brook Action Group (RBAG) this evening various concerns were raised about the rerouting of the footpath ZST28. The group did not agree as a group, at this point, on whether they supported or objected to the proposed changes, however the following concerns were raised by members:

- the brook floods it's banks regularly and on occasions floods the lane: it has been known in the last couple of years to flood to a depth of over 2 feet across the lane. Concerns noted are that the only flat/dry route out is via the old route through the farm and that a walk alongside the brook may become impassable on a regular basis in poor weather.

- the proposed changes lead to walkers having to negotiate a steep slope and a longer route.

- the proposed changes will be more difficult/impossible for two known walkers who are less able to negotiate slopes and more uneven surfaces.

- the proposed route would appear to require at least one significant tree being removed.

Some members of the group gave a cautious welcome to the idea about a walk along the brook and the possibility of making that area more accessible to public but were unsure about whether the benefits were worth the loss of the old right of way.

Another issue raised was that RBAG are looking to improve the quality of water along the whole length of the brook and reduce the health hazard it poses: there have been numerous very serious incidents of raw sewage getting into the brook (see our website for further details) and flooding particularly at Puckshole. RBAG have been in negotiation and discussion with many parties involved with the brook including SDC, Severn Trent, British Waterways, Parish Councils, the Environment Agency and land owners as to how the situation can be improved. The fact that this proposed footpath borders the brook in one of the areas of flooding could offer opportunities to improve the watercourse and surrounding area.

The group agreed to request that they be invited to any consultation or site visit to discuss the matter further and see the proposals in more detail. Indeed the group would welcome opportunities to meet with all the other parties to consider the best way forward.

Philip Booth, Stroud District councillor and Secretary of the Ruscombe Brook Action Group,

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