21 Jul 2006

Stroud's Environment Green paper

Thursday was Cabinet and one key item was the Environment Green paper - this is the first chance to see the thoughts of how the Council should move forwards to tackle climate change and improve the environment.

This document clearly needs more time and the Green party will be looking at it more closely over the next weeks as it goes out to consultation. However first thoughts are that we certainly welcome this exciting, positive and comprehensive first step. Stroud has already achieved much - success for example with the Eco-Management and Audit scheme and tackling energy efficiency with schemes like Warm and Well - unglamerous compared to other measures but possibly one of the most important in terms of reducing energy use and tackling climate change.

We also particularly welcome the commitment to eradicate fuel poverty and also the statement about dispelling the myth that reducing waste and emissions will mean a reduced living standard.

We accept this is a draft document that will now go for consultation, but there is much that is needed to make this a document that really takes the environment seriously. Some other quick comments:

1. The paper lacks punch or vision. While it identifies many of the most important tasks ahead it fails when it comes to actually aiming for targets - it states things like: "working to make the best contribution we can." It does not adopt specific targets or even aspirations like other Councils have to achieve zero-waste or go carbon neutral.

Clearly as a Council we have problems that relate to what policies come out of central government to support us and clearly many of these activities and actions are difficult to measure. However I think there are few in this room who are not concerned by our future. We need a bolder stating of where we want to go and a mucher greater sense of urgency about enacting these policies.

2. Maybe I've missed it but no where in this document does it specifically accept that human activities are the cause of climate change - indeed it seems to indicate that the causes are unknown. While a very small minority of people do not accept the science I think it is not the place of SDC to not acknowledge the cause of climate change as accepted by Governments, Science academies of all key countries including the US, China and India, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and most scientists working in the field.

3. This leads on to the issue re energy supplies. Cllr Chas Fellow' 'Forward' recognises 'uncertainty over fuel prices and fuel supply' but the document does not. There is strong evidence, accepted by other governments, geologists and oil companies that oil prices are set to double and triple. If nothing else this paper should be making it clear that the measures we are planning are about building a stronger economic future for SDC.

Other comments:

- Latest figures re CO2 emissions and action needed go beyond what is currently planned.
- Global problems list underestimate the seriousness of climate change on the economy, food supplies and much more. It is insulting to suggest effects will be 'some good and some bad' - most will be catastrophic.

Lots more to say - coming soon to Report section of the Green party website.

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