22 Oct 2012

Whiteshill and Ruscombe vote for 20 mph

Citizen last year; many of us have been campaigning for years!
I don't know full details of the count which took place today in the Village Shop, but I understand 83% of those who voted were in favour of 20 mph. All residents of Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish was sent polling cards and this looks like we are now another step closer to 20 mph - Randwick have already agreed. Both Parishes need to confirm to County then the legal process begins for a Traffic Order - assuming no problems with that we could see 20 mph signs as early as April across the Randwick, Whiteshill and Ruscombe ward.

I have to say I am delighted we are getting closer - as I've said many times, 20 mph is not the answer to our problems with traffic going too fast but it is a step in the right direction to change our culture - in many other countries it is the norm to have 30 km (20 mph) in residential areas and some in this country like Lancashire are going for Countywide 20 mph schemes. 20 mph will hopefully make all of us drivers think and hopefully cut our speeds - see my recent letter to press here as to why 20 mph is important.

UPDATE: Here are the figures: 265 votes:
217 Yes
48   No
19   Spoilt or invalid
83% in favour
27.5% turnout

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