24 Mar 2012

Call for Scrutiny of NHS changes

Local artist Russ' take on recent NHS Bill
Last September Stroud District Council called for the Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the changes to our NHS. They didn't really listen. We've since then had the court case. The options to stay within the NHS are now back on the table.

NHS Glos have agreed to consider a wide range of options, including entering into an agreement with an NHS Trust for the delivery of services or a stand alone Trust. Indeed as long as NHS bodies - for example the 2gether Trust - come forward they do not need to competitively tender. This is a crucial point made clear by the court case. On Thursday night at the Scrutiny meeting I proposed that we asked again that committee to look into the changes. The Scrutiny committee agreed asking that either they look at the changes themselves or set up a task group.

In view of the strong feelings about this issue I hope this time they will listen. Anyway sign the new pledge here. See more about this issue in my two films - see here.

Here's what got passed:

I propose that this committee requests our representative on the Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee formally asks that that Committee considers the options for our health services in the light of the 'Consent Order'. In particular we request information on how they will help ensure that:

1. The people of Gloucestershire are given a clear choice to keep these services within the NHS
2. The decision-making process is fair, transparent and democratic.
3. NHS Glos base criteria for decision-making on patient care and public opinion.

Lots more at that Scrutiny meeting but suggest reading minutes - I raised a whole host of issues like the cuts to Trading Standards, discussions re how to councillors can engage more, the recent changes to sheltered accomodation and more.

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