24 Nov 2007

Ruscombe field plots still being sold?

I was sent an email this week from someone wanting to find out more regarding the fields at Ruscombe - they included plans and several photos including this one here. They were interested in a plot on the site and whether it would be a 'good investment' - I wont comment on that but I know the community will fight tooth and nail to ensure no houses are built on this land, that there is cross-party support against any development on those fields, that the Local Plan (which we have to adhere to) makes clear no development for this site, that the fields are in an AONB.....I could go on - anyhow I have left a message for this person if they want to talk more about my views on this.

It is worrying that land is still being marketed in this way - while perfectly legal it is clearly wrong in my view on many counts. The Ruscombe Valley Action Group will continue to to support moves to stop the practice of landbanking.

See more re landbanking on this blog here - and our action group's statement on the Parish website here.

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