14 Mar 2014

Stroud events

Here’s the current list of things we know about that are happening in the near future.  Where relevant, we’re also listing events a bit further afield that you might be interested in, too.
If you are aware of other talks, events, workshops or other community activities in the coming week or so, please do mention them in the comments. If there’s an event you would like our support in promoting, please email the details to brynnethnimue (at) gmail (dot) com.

From Amnesty STOP PRESS – This month’s focus is Syria. Our monthly action which we’ll do at the meeting and our vigil in Stroud (at end of Shambles, opp book shop) this Saturday morning 15th from 10.00 to 10.45. Bring candles or night lights in jam jars – or a little lantern if you have it. Placards and banners – good!  Children welcome – bring friends!  Drop in for a few minutes if you are too busy to stay longer. Please bring a camera if you have one.

Organized by London CND. March and Rally: Remember Fukushima: no to Nuclear Power 12:30pm, 15th March, Marching from Hyde Park Corner to Parliament On 15th March we will mark the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima disaster with a march and rally from Hyde Park Corner to Parliament. Meet at 12:30pm at Hyde Park Corner near the exits to Hyde Park from Hyde Park Corner tube. March starts 1:00pm, will go past the Japanese Embassy and the offices of the Tokyo Electric Power Company, finishing outside Parliament. Join us for the whole march or find us from 3:00-4:30pm at a rally with speakers and music on Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament.

For further info contact London Region CND on 020 7607 2302.

18th March Stroud Positive Living Group Loving life - bringing people together…
Launch Party! The Old Town Hall, The Shambles, Stroud 7.15pm - £5 - including nibbles and drinks
What happens at the Stroud Positive Living Group? We hold regular meet ups where inspirational people are invited to share their wisdom, followed by an opportunity to meet and socialise with like-minded people over a cuppa.
The emphasis is very much on the health of the mind, body, spirit and planet and in essence our meetings are about bringing people together.  The focus is on heart-centred living - open to all who are interested in personal and spiritual growth and global harmony.

Come and share your dreams and explore the myriad ways to happiness and peaceful living. We wish to share in your passions, knowing that in your happiness lies our happiness, and in our combined happiness the future strength and contentment of our community!

The “Your Musical Memories” concert in Stroud Subscription Rooms at 2.30 pm  on Thursday,  March 20th presents two of our local pianists on one piano. Maxine Bennett and Elizabeth Oxley will be playing piano duets and songs by some of Russia’s favourite composers; Borodin, Rimsky-Kotsakov, Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev. Elizabeth and Maxine met at a Musical Memories Concert and decided to work together. Maxine trained at the College of St Paul and St Mary in Cheltenham and received a BEd with music as her special field. She used to teach at St Edward’s Junior School, Cheltenham but now runs her own Piano Club where people come and play their favourite pieces to one another. She is also a member of the U3A Piano Duet Club which meets in Cheltenham. Elizabeth has co-run Stroud Supertroupers choir for the last 3 years and has just set up a new choir for over-50s in Cirencester for Age UK. She also enjoys running Singing for the Brain sessions in Stonehouse for people with Alzheimer's and offers private music tuition and welcomes opportunities to sing for a variety of audiences. The concert on March 20th will also feature Amber Ennis, Stroud’s excellent flautist, playing an exciting Concerto by Vivaldi and a beautiful Sonata by Telemann. Amber plays with the Malmsbury Chamber Ensemble and has recently become the local rep. for the British Flute Society. She is planning an event for Gloucestershire flute players this winter with Tyrone Perry-Harry conducting. Anyone interested can check her Facebook page 'The Flute Player' later for details of date and venue. So come to the Stroud’s Subscription Rooms and enjoy a feast of beautiful music on the afternoon of March 20th. Tickets are only £5.00 (which includes refreshments) and can be booked at the Subscription Rooms’ Box Office, telephone number 01453 760900. (When booking, please mention if you use a wheelchair as the number of wheelchairs allowed in the Ballroom are restricted due to fire regulations.)

Healthwatch Gloucestershire Board Meeting in Public

Tuesday 25th March 2014

Open House (formerly Old Painswick Inn)

1 Gloucester Street

10.30am for 11am start - 1.30pm

Please call on 0800 652 5193 to book your seat as space is limited


Storytelling for a Greener World with Jonathon Porritt and Alida Gersie: 11 April, 7.30pm; Stroud Subscription  Rooms. How can environmental organisations use storytelling to engage visitors, students, members, staff and the community with nature? And enable pro-environmental change?

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