8 Apr 2013

Randwick Woods Woodfuel project update

Board in Randwick Woods - click to read
Since setting up the project in 2011 with the National Trust we've had 14 meetings in Randwick woods. Each session is about 4 hours of conservation work - in return for which we leave with a boot load of wood that we can chop up at home.  Nearly 30 people have attended at various times in 148 volunteer sessions or 444 volunteer hours. We are now also supported by Transition Stroud who are about supporting local projects that build community resilience.

At the moment we are still full but there is a possibility of places becoming available to new volunteers; if interested do get in touch - although no guarantees!

You can see a film of one of our first sessions that tells more about the work: http://stroudcommunity.tv/12-go-into-the-woods-with-loppers/

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