8 May 2012

Children of the Elements

Communicating sustainability is a huge challenge - I get all sorts of cold calling emails from various projects and proposals for me to highlight on this blog. I have to say I could fill every day with several such entries but most get deleted....however here's one that interested me more....a brother and a sister working on an interactive children's story for iPads: Children of the Elements.

It is an interactive 'educational App hand-painted on 40 screens' (see pic), addressing the topic of sustainability, teaching children and parents about our planet - the reader can make choices about what action to take. Anyhow see more about the project at the link below - they are basically after some funds - can anyone help?


Anonymous said...

apps and expensive apple products?

consumerism is fine for the middle classes, no?

Andy said...

Yes Apple not great although accurate figures are hard to come by:

But hey Anonymous how do you communicate the message of sustainbility?

Anonymous said...

Consumerism is a tricky one - aren't we trying to get all the middle classes even those who consume - maybe such a message will be heard via this ipad - just watched film on the link and pics are v beautiful.