10 Apr 2012

Hate Crime In Glos: 4 films look at the issues

Picture on wall at the conference
I recently attended the Gloucestershire Hate Crime Conference on Saturday 24th March 2012 In Gloucester to raise awareness of hate crime. Well this weekend I put together bits of films from the presentations - they hopefully give a flavour of the day - but if you want to see an excellent film that covers the issues then do not miss the acclaimed film by the Gloucestershire Hate Crime Partnership and the National Star College at: http://stroudcommunity.tv/hate-crime-in-gloucestershire/

Hate crime is a term which covers a range of crimes founded on prejudice based on race, religion, homophobia, transgender, disability and age. Last year more than 50,000 hate crimes were reported across England, Wales and Northern Ireland last year and the Crown Prosecution Service, prosecuted 15,284 hate crimes – 10% more than the previous year.

The presentations at the conference covered a whole range of issues. These three films contain some of the highlights; apologies if editing has not helped in understanding the presentations. 

1/3 Is Hate Crime Legislation Unfair? A clip from the keynote speaker Roger Coulson Director of Equality Partnership – includes brief overview of work by Dr Paul Iganski. See: http://stroudcommunity.tv/is-hate-crime-legislation-unfair-hate-crime-conference-1-of-3/

2/3 Why we need the Human Rights Act? Another clip from the talk Roger Coulson. See:

3/3 Hate Crime; numbers, definitions and more. Keynote speaker Roger Coulson plus clips from other speakers,  Robin Agascar MBE from GAYGLOS and Chief Superintendent Nigel Avron. See: http://stroudcommunity.tv/hate-crime-numbers-definitions-and-more-hate-crime-conference-3-of-3/

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