22 Nov 2011

Are you satisfied with your internet speed?

Will we get better broadband? Here in Bread Street it is a diabolical connection and I hear in many parts of the ward. When I first raised this issue locally nearly 2 years ago there seemed little interest amongst authorities but in recent months the interest has mushroomed - see here. Here is a great way to help make our voice heard and it will only take a few moments....

Help provide the evidence to bring high-speed broadband to rural Gloucestershire. Take part in this survey now …www.gfirst.co.uk/broadband

Here is what they say: The Borders Broadband project, which covers rural Gloucestershire, has Government funds to attract commercial telecoms suppliers to provide the infrastructure needed for high-speed internet services. This will benefit businesses, individuals and communities. To persuade the private sector that investment in rural broadband infrastructure is worthwhile, we must demonstrate real demand for high-speed broadband. This is why it is essential you fill in the survey now and ask others to do so.

Household surveys can be completed online at www.gfirst.co.uk/broadband (Complete it from your home computer as there is a question to measure speed). Hard copy surveys are also available from libraries, GRCC and from some district and parish councillors. Our parish, as far as I know, doesn't yet have a broadband champion - please think about taking on this role - contact Chris Cowcher at GRCC to find out more (01452 528491 or christopherc(at)grcc.org.uk). If you run a business, please also complete the business survey which is also available online at www.gfirst.co.uk/broadband.


Nick said...

Thanks for doing this Philip - there are many small businesses being run from home & we need decent facilities to grow (not an allotment plug!).

Anonymous said...

Yes my speeds in Ruscombe are very poor - anything that can be done would be good