1 Jul 2011

Call for police to investigate A-10's at Fairford Tattoo

Peace pole: is this something we want in Stroud? I like the idea!
The Sponsored bike ride at Fairford Tattoo is getting lots of interest - see their Facebook site here and my previous blog here. I understand the cyclists are talking to the police to sort out the route etc. To me it is disturbing that the Fairford Air Tattoo will welcome the A-10 tank buster plane. This plane has become synonymous with depleted uranium attacks. As this blog has reported before depleted uranium is killing thousands of people, damaging the planet yet this plane is coming over for 'family entertainment'. I understand the bike ride is to raise money for the children's hospital in Fallujah. You can download a powerful new report on depleted uranium in Iraq here.

There is also now an on-line petition calling for a police investigation into the A-10s that will be on display at the Fairford Air Tattoo  - please consider signing the petition:

It also seems likely that DU is being used in Libya. See the YouTube below:

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