9 May 2011

Stroud Edible Open Gardens - 34 gardens signed up!

Last week we had a meeting to pull together plans for Transition Stroud's big Edible Open Gardens for 9th and 10th July - see previous blogs here. We now have 34 gardens signed up and on the weekend before we are planning stalls and more to publicise the event with various partner organisations.

Folk might also have read about the new project initiative by Ben Spencer to turn Stroud into an Apple town - more of that soon - a meeting on 18th May in Stroud for those interested.

I also came across this video which covers some of our thoughts about food locally - don't agree with all but it is inspiring: 'How Can We Grow More Food Locally?' Transition Bath made the film from an excellent talk by Pam Warhurst from Incredible Edible Tormorden http://bit.ly/localfoodbath

Pam talks about bringing together Community growing, learning and the local economy in projects - arguing that you need all three for real change. I agree - and the series of videos of the talk are inspiring.

Lastly I came across this video about peak oil - see film here. It is with Rob Hopkins and it raises a question about how much a litre of oil is worth in labour. Rob says FEASTA report says a
a 40 litre fill-up at a petrol station is the equivalent of about four years of human manual work”. However other calculations suggest this figure “overstates the energy value of a liter of petrol by almost a factor of four”. Which ever it is it is still massive1

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