Photos: walk along canal at weekend
Full Council: I've not managed to write up last week's Full Council meeting - although to be honest there was little at it - indeed the shortest one I've ever been to - discussed taxi licensing and treasury management. I spent a lot of last weekend writing up the final draft of the inquiry report into Council Housing standards that I am chairing - news on that soon.
Dog attack in Bread Street - I was disturbed to read in the SNJ last week that a man and his 11 year old son had their springer spaniel attacked by a Staffordshire bull terrier. As many will know I live in Bread Street and this was a great surprise to learn this - also don't know any Staffordshire bull terriers. This is a very sad incident especially as apparently this has led to the child not wanting to go out to walk the dog.
Randwick Wap - download their new constitution proposals from here http://www.randwick.org.uk/
Stroud's Edible Open Gardens Project - see my previous blog here re this weeks meeting.

Stroud Valleys Water Forum - see previous blog - but we also have a date for the next Ruscombe Brook Action Group on 29th March - new members welcomed to come and hear what we do - contact me.
Land Adjacent To Sunny Ridge - Townsend - a planning application is in again re erection of 13 dwellings. They have removed part of the previous objection so they are clearly hoping to get it through this time. However there are still many concerns in the community about this application. Revised application from planning refusal S.09/1643/FUL. See more here.
Save the Slad Valley - have launched a website: www.saveslad.blogspot.com/
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