Photo: On the streets in Gloucester collecting signatures against the incinerator
My only smile came when Councillor Sarah Lunnon (Green Stroud East) agreed with a question at council which asked: "Does the leader of the council understand that the combination of service cuts and an incinerator will mean his legacy will be to be remembered as the slash and burn administration."
Sarah also noted that cabinet member Councillor Waddington refused to give information relating to the agreed minimum tonnages of waste the county would have to deliver or how the chosen technology will deliver flexibility. This really does make no sense and ties taxpayers into contracts for many years. She commented: "GCC's lack of commitment to environmental issues and social justice is demonstrated in how both these policies are being pursued. A lack of clarity and will has been comprehensively displayed."
The next steps are being looked at but well done to all who have worked so hard on this - we certainly won the arguments but how sad sad sad that the County should take this route.
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