Stroud Potato Day, a Transition Stroud event announces that the popular book,
"Pan-fried, Peeled and Proud Potatoes from Stroud. A Recipe Book" will now be available by post. The book has some 40 recipes from local people and restaurants including Guardian food write Mathew Fort. Plus nutritional advice re potatoes and folklore - did you know keeping ginger with potatoes helps keep both fresh!
See more about the day and the video
Photos: more of Stroud Potato Day and the window at the Town CouncilThe SVP shop have agreed to have their details as the contact info on the website for people who need copies of the potato book sent to them. Their details are:

Stroud Valleys Project
8 Threadneedle Street
Tel. 01453 753358
Fax: 01453 755641
Email: info@StroudValleysProject.org
Website: www.StroudValleysProject.org
The book is selling for £4 (or £3 Stroud pounds). The prices for Post and Packing in the UK will be:
1 copy = £1.00
2 copies = £1.50
3-5 copies = £2.00

Philip Booth, organiser of the Stroud Potato celebrations said:
"On Saturday 5th February we sold over 4,700 seed potatoes in our first Potato Day, many to first time growers. This recipe book is part of our celebration of the many different varieties of potato and encouraging people to grow their own. Supermarkets don't offer much choice of potatoes, but growing your own opens up all sorts of opportunities. The recipe book has been hugely popular and we are looking at the possibilities of a third print run. We have now launched a service for those wanting a copy by post. Please see above for details."
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