Cartoon: Local artist Russ - no news on 20 mph since last blog on the topic but Warbler out soon in Whiteshill and Ruscombe - Randwick trees below
One of the problems relates to three months ago when the problem was reported - I have assurances that the contractors have been asked to relook at that bin this week and other bins in Ruscombe. I am also wanting to know why the problem wasn't sorted 3 months ago re that bin?
See comment here from a local resident about that bin. Hey - I'll include a bit as it says nice things about me!!

"Of course they didn't, but am I annoyed? No of course not. Councils all over the country are running out of grit. Welsh councils can use 12,000 tonnes of road salt on the roads in 24 hours, while salt mines could only provide the UK with up to 6,000 tonnes in the same period."
It does seem amazing that nationally we seem to be in a position where grit supplies are threatened again in parts of the country. We need to import over 30% of the salt we need. Local authorities have ordered more than a million tonnes of extra salt this year to combat the snow - a third more than they did for last winter. The problem is allegedly that it has not all been delivered! If this is true it is extraordinary.
In Gloucestershire I am hoping they have learnt lessons after last years nonsense - the County Council have doubled the amount they have in stock and have a new gritting programme and new snow ploughs. Any problems with grit bins can be reported on 08000 514 514.
10:38 on 7th Dec Highways sorted the bin of grit out - they seem to be doing all the bins. They blame foreign grit for it solidifying, it's good to know that true British Grit is still the best.
Good to hear some action!
It would be of great help in winter and snow if authorities remain vigilant about condition and placement of grit bins.
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