Photo: from Guardian - Cameron announcing inquiry into torture and rendition last week
Well now Darkfibre have been commissioned to make a film about the indiscriminate and endemic use of rape by militias and government armies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The campaign includes Oxfam, Congo Now! and Human Rights Watch.
They explore the links between our use of rare metals mined in the Congo and the violence of happening there, etc - an issue I first raised in The Ecologist back in November 2001! See that letter here - and click on 'Congo' label below to see more recent posts.
I give this project a huge welcome as they hope to make a hard hitting film that brings viewers to the campaign site - a campaign that is being co-ordinated by Sam Roddick, the daughter of the late Anita Roddick (Body Shop). They already have an A list talent working on the film which will be 3 min long.
So why did they contact me? Well sadly not for an acting part! Indeed I've not done much of that although once upon a time I did do a play with Raymond Baxter - he was the guy who introduced Tomorrow's World. Anyway I digress Darkfibre are after an idyllic rural setting to film in during the first week of August. They have a very limited budget but are after a homely house/ cottage in a small hamlet (3-6 houses) that has beautiful rural scenery around it and possibly with a grain field next door.
They would film one day in the house, and one day outside and have half a day preparation before - they can pay a small amount for the use but for me this is a great opportunity to highlight this issue. Contact me or them at: marc(at)darkfibrefilms.co.uk - replace (at) with @ in email address.
See other films they have done:
One about Shell in the Nigerian Delta: http://www.vimeo.com/album/165507/video/11919930
Our full showreel is here: http://www.vimeo.com/album/165507
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