28 Oct 2008

Bank near Ash Lane: threat or improvement?

Many will remember the Planning appeal in Randwick earlier this year re the proposed house at Glenfield, Ash Lane (see more here).

Well the house has another planning application in: S.08/1740/FUL - for some reason I can't access the Council website to view it at the moment, but there is apparently a change to the plans. I will check them out but there is a very short time to respond - I think last comments need to be in by 3rd November - so I wanted to add this post here as this issue has led to lots of strong feelings in the past.

My concern has always been the loss of the bank - a move recommended by Highways - see my original objection here. I have spoken to planners and others about this and I understand this latest change is in response to my concerns and others raised previously by many villagers - this latest plan apparently does not cut the bank back so far - as noted I haven't seen the plans but I do have concerns that any sense of widening that stretch will in my view lead to faster cars and a loss of character to the neighbourhood - but I'll reserve judgement until I view the plans!

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