27 Mar 2008

Gully cleaning lorry in Ruscombe on Tues

Since my last blog on drains I've been having further correspondence with Highways and the GCC Cabinet member responsible. Infact strictly speaking we are talking road gullies not drains (see below).

I'm still pushing for SUDs (see previous blogs/label below), but also for a review - maintenance is at best poor and many need redesigning or improving to cope with the short sharp quantities of water - apparently Highways will be looking at the issue.

Photo: Gully cleaning lorry in Ruscombe on Tues

I've also now heard that our call for action on Humphreys End has been accepted - although there is no date yet - this is great as flooding there can get bad - several times this year it has been more than 20cm deep.

Lastly I made a note of several blocked gullies over the weekend and was going to phone on Tuesday after work - as I drove back, there was the lorry cleaning all the drains through Ruscombe and more - they are now perhaps anticipating my moves??! Don't forget if you see a Gully blocked you can call the emergency gully clearance service on 08000 514514.

What is a Gully? Road gullies allow water to drain away from roads and pavements. They consist of a gully grating and a gully pot underneath, and are situated at the side of the road by the kerb. They are meant to be a quick and efficient removal of rainwater from the highway. See more from SDC here on drains and from GCC on gullies here.

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