3 Mar 2008

Gloucester Scrutiny sees sense over Staverton

This evening I joined some 25 protesters outside Gloucester City Council's North Warehouse on the docks where the Gloucester City Council Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee was meeting - we held a candle lit vigil for common sense.

Photo: protesters start arriving to be earlier enough to greet councillors

Amazingly they decided against supporting the Airport's plans tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say amazingly because all the evidence pointed to their failures to properly scrutinise the airport's report - but it seems they have - and as we've known all along I cannot see how any fair person could come down in favour of airport expansion if they look at either the economic or environmental arguments. However we have not won yet.....

As councillors arrived we handed out beautifully wrapped presents - some words of common sense and copies of the CASE response to the JASWG report (see previous blog entries on this by clicking on 'airport' label below). Then many of the protesters went inside for public questions.

Photo: me in middle of protesters from three Glos Green parties, CASE, FoE, Plane Stupid, residents attached to no groups and the Glos Airport Action Group.

The case against holding the Airport debate in secret was made strongly, and the committee agreed to distribute a redacted version of their report to the public. The airport discussion, originally item 15 on the agenda, was also moved to the top of the list. The first part of the debate was held in public. It consisted of a presentation of the JASWG report by it's author, Cheltenham Councillor Steve Jordan - a report which I have to say is very poor indeed by any standards - it completely failed to address very reasonable questions raised by protesters.

Photo: Protest sign was still in foyer when I had to leave for another meeting

There then followed a question and answer session. Firstly Steve Jordan answered questions from the Committee. Then, bizarrely, the Committee put questions to the protesters in the public gallery. The second part of the debate, and the vote, were held in private. We assume that the issues surrounding the value of the airport land were discussed.

When the public were readmitted the Chairman informed us the the Committee's recommendations to Cabinet were (and these are notes gleened this evening from other protesters - hopefully minutes out soon to read in detail):

1. The Cabinet and Council agree that it is not in the City Council's best interests to provide land for the Runway Safety Project.

2. That the Cabinet and the Council agree that the City Council should not undertake borrowing for the Airport Company or provide guarantees for any borrowing undertaken directly by the Airport Company.

3. Whilst the Committee were not tasked with examining the environmental impact of the airport they are concerned that the impact has not been evaluated. The committee noted that the Council is highly concerned about global warming and that the airports contribution to global warming had not been taken into account.

The Gloucester City Cabinet will now meet on Wednesday 5th March to consider these recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee. The Cabinet could accept the recommendations, or make a completely different decision.

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