26 Feb 2008

Local bits and bobs: other WaRblers, Revellers and more

WaRbler newsletter - last night I was at a very pleasant meeting discussing the contents of the Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish community newsletter - see previous issues here - we have easily found plenty of news for what looks set to be a two page edition again - but do contact the editor via the link if you have items to include in the next edition - I was interested in a search to find a huge variety of other communities with newsletters called The Warbler - see Pineywoods Sierra Group in Texas, Friends of the Welty Environment Centre in Wisconsin, the Audubon Society of Portland, the Alan Devoe Bird Club, Chatham, NY and many more.

Photo: Middle Spring, Ruscombe

Bread Street Street party - Some residents in Bread Street are looking at holding a street party in the summer this year. Many people have moved into the area in recent years and it is hoped to have a good time and also give newcomers and old timers a chance get to know each other better. Do please contact me if you think you can help organise: 01453 755451.

Randwick Revellers Pantomine - by all accounts 'Mother Goose' was a triumph - I missed it again due to Green party conference but from talking to folk and the write up in the Runner it is clear all went very well.

Hamwell Leaze - this green space along the Ruscombe Brook has been included in a successful bid with other green areas by the Stroud Valleys Project for a £18,000 grant to help clean up and put biodiversity back into some neglected urban green spaces. As SVP note it isn't just song thrushes, great crested newts, bats, otters and kingfishers whose numbers are plummeting - it is also sparrows, hedgehogs, grass snakes and slow worms.

SVP walks and events - Stroud Valleys Project have a number of very local events planned - contact them direct but they include a walk to Doverow Hill on 1st March, a birdwatch at Hamwell Leaze on 29th April, a Bluebell walk in Randwick on 11th May, a flowers of Selsey Common event on 11th June plus pond surveys in Cainscross, pond dipping at a primary school in Cainscross. Plus every Tuesday and Thursday SVP help landowners to improve their wildlife - call Richarch or Nadine on 753358 for info.

Gloucestershire Curiosities - a talk on 28th Feb at 7.30 by Hugh Conway-Jones at Randwick Village Hall - a Randwick Historical Assoc event but open to others £3.50.

Children's Centre at Cashes Green Drop-in session - see what they have today 9am to 12 noon and be able to talk about the services your family would like to use there.

Youth Pod - in Stonehouse youngsters aged 13 to 17 have a place to socialise called 'The Pod' - sofas, games consoles, a kitchenette, posters etc - Cllr Karon Cross - District councillor for Cainscross - is seeking one for central Cashes Green area. The County have said no but I have offered support for the proposals - although clearly siting is important to ensure problems are not created.

Whiteshill recycling - Blog readers may recall that some Whiteshill residents have been woken at ridiculously early hours by noisy recycling - I have spoken with SDC officers and written an email - one resident has also now after several letters received a positive response from saying that the route for recycling will change in near future in order to give that area 'some 'respite from early morning noise. That has already happened with a post 7 am collection on the Plain. Clearly someone else will now suffer until the review of contracts in April 2009 but perhaps at least the suffering is shared?

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