22 Feb 2008

Channel 4 censor Green Political slot

Just had a couple of days in Devon with family - back yesterday in time for three meetings at Ebley Mill - one being Full Council and the Council tax setting - Greens, I think, were the only ones to abstain - all the rest voted for the budget - which is a good budget in many ways but, as noted, in our view more should be done to tackle climate change - it lacks urgency - but I've covered all that in previous blogs so enough of that - I did promise in the last blog more re the Green party conference - see my write up here.

Photo: Stroud Greens with SW three Euro candidates at conference and below Sian Berry

Anyhow at conference I was flattered to be asked to join Siân Berry's campaign team for her to become London Mayor - not sure I have time to support and they have some excellent folk already - but all that aside I have to say I was shocked to hear today that
Siân had been censored by Channel 4 - see more at:

hannel 4 have just screened the Green party's Political Slot film - in the original film, Siân explained how Greens on the London Assembly won a big pay rise for cleaners in the Fire Brigade by using their power of the Mayor's budget to create the London Living Wage Unit. But Channel 4 didn't want folk to see that. So they cut it out.

They were happy to let us tell about how Greens introduced a scheme to provide advice on greening your home, and how we've won funding to increase the amount and quality of green space in East London. And those are great achievements - but why is it that we're not allowed to tell you that there's more to Green politics than the environment? We don't know. But it has left us asking how many cleaners at Channel 4 are on poverty wages.

You can see the full, uncensored broadcast at:

Fortunately, not everyone wants to stop us fighting poverty pay - organisations including the NUS, Unite, UNISON, the Fawcett Society, and Oxfam have made Siân a Patron of the new Fair Pay Network, to be launched on Monday.

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