26 Jan 2008

Stroud District budget

Thursday night was Budget night - see key issues raised by Greens here - basically a good well-balanced budget better than many other Councils - but like most it fails to give any sense of urgency about the challenges that face us. It is vital we take more serious steps towards developing community resilience and tackling climate change.

Photos: Green group at Pre-Council meeting - sandwiches provided as most come straight from work for the 6pm start - although it did finish 9.30ish - earlier than most Council meetings.

Other issues raised in the budget are the usual Tory question about how much money goes to central government each year from Council rents - basically about £5m - this seems to be a set piece for the press - even Labour don't defend the ruling but called on the Tories to say they would discontinue - sadly the Tories did not state they would. Anyhow it is important issue but oh so tedious.

John Marjoram raised the point that the budget sheets are now so complex that few can understand - even the Cabinet member agreed - it makes it v difficult to scrutinise - there was also the £64,000 question of whether to stop webcasting - as noted in previous blogs I do support it.....but enough of all this it is now a beautiful sunny day and I still have too many emails to reply to......

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