Photo: Morning over Farmhill
Alistair Mainwaring suggests "old earth has been subject to weather patterns of hot and cold for 4,500 million years" (SNJ letters 9/01/08). This is true, but if trends continue as expected, the projected changes will be catastrophically greater than that already experienced.
The idea that climate change is not, at least partly driven by man-made activities, is now only held by cranks or perhaps those with a financial interest in denying reality. The needed level of reduction in greenhouse gases is still disputed, but few scientists call for less than a 60% reduction and all the latest indications from the Tyndall Centre and others are that at least 90% is needed.
Far from the Green party being unrealistic as Alistair Mainwaring suggests, we seem to be the only ones that appear to be listening to the scientists and developing the necessary policies. Although recent research by the Institute for Public Policy Research, RSPB and WWF calls for an 80% reduction in emissions and shows such a cut is cost-effective without damaging the economy (i).
However Alistair Mainwaring's call for lower world population to help tackle emissions is spot-on. Last year the Green party had a Coffee House discussion in Stroud on this issue as a perpetually expanding economy, with perpetual population growth is not desirable or possible. It is surely time for encouraging a "Stop at Two" children policy and for full access to family planning worldwide which would also be good for women's health and rights?
Cllr. Philip Booth, Stroud District Green Party.
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