1 Dec 2007

Stroud Council tenants pay government £5m

Last week I had the joy and total pleasure of being able to immerse myself in learning more about the Housing Revenue Account - a training session for councillors - it was something I had requested at a Scrutiny meeting so dare not be there!

In fact it was very useful and gave me a much clearer understanding of how it all works - not easy to explain here - but suffice to say I now have a better understanding of the formula that the Government uses to claim £4.6m this year £5m next year and probably more in coming years from Stroud District Council - this is a proportion of the Council tenants rents - now I'm all for redistribution - and Stroud after all is a more wealthy area than some - but this is taking money raised from tenants - some of the poorest in the District - and the money has not been used to make more housing yet homeless waiting lists grow. Not right and it is high time the government reviewed this - it seems at last they are at least looking at it.....

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