21 Dec 2007

Nativity Play and Parish dos

A great evening yesterday started with a service in the church with Randwick Primary school....

Photo: Carol singing in Randwick Church

A modern version of the nativity play - and no nonsense about not taking photos - indeed at one point the Head Teacher, Mrs Montecute got the children lined up in their costumes and invited parents to take a photo.

Photo: Martin Rendall, Vice Chair of Parish and Richard Huxford, Chair.

After the Nativity it was on to the village hall for the shortest Randwick Parish meeting ever - with a presentation of cheques to local groups like Scouts - some photos then lots of nibbles and a glass of wine - very nice to chat and talk to folk - infact the first time I had properly talked to Martin, the Parish Handyman.

Photo: Randwick Parish meeting with the line up of representatives getting cheques for local groups from the Parish

The Parish has also appointed a new Clerk - Arthur Westward who has been in the post 25 years or so is retiring in March - he holds a wonderful knowledge of the Parish which hopefully we can draw on still as he has kindly written in his resignation letter his hopes to stay in touch - anyhow the interviews took place last week and the appointment has been made - Barry Parsons who lives in the village - looking forward to working with him!

Photo: New Clerk, Barry Parsons

I left the Parish meeting early to be at the Star in Whiteshill for an excellent buffet and celebration for the Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish Council - for councillors and partners - sorry no photos - strictly by order of Parish Chair!! Well not that strict but to be honest I was enjoying self too much to remember - very nice indeed to be able to chat - heard lots of great stories about Whiteshill many years ago - one about how the volunteers from the village to the Boer War were to parade down through the village - apparently only one chap went.

Photo: a cow that escaped into Bread Street earlier in the day - by the time I was about to report the farmer came to the rescue.

Anyhow it was late to bed.

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