3 Dec 2007

Junk mail gets smelly and noisy: sign a petition

No/Yes Junk Mail StickerNo/No Junk Mail Sticker
You will probably have seen the reports that our junk mail is about to become smelly and noisy in a marketing bid to reach more people to advertise products. This sort of advertising gets my goat - an outrageous waste of the planets resources. It is bad enough having to put up with the quantity of junk mail that comes through the doors at the moment even though I am registered with the Mail Preference Service which is meant to reduce that type of mailing - infact I read it stops 95% of junk mail (see below how you can also register).

I only recently came across the fact that you can also register to cut the amount of junk mail even further - by opting out of the Royal Mail's 'Door-to-Door' service that delivers unaddressed mail. This type of unsolicited mail will not be covered by the MPS. It still wont include all such mailings. You can opt out of the service by calling 08457 950 950, or by emailing opt.out@royalmail.com.

Register now with MPS

You can also register the name of anyone that used to live at your address, although you cannot register the address itself, so junk mail to 'The Occupier' is likely to still get through. For junk mail addressed to the occupier, you should inform the company that you do not wish to be sent any further mail, and that you will report any further instances of mail to the MPS and to Postwatch, the independent postal services watchdog.

You can register with the MPS online at www.mpsonline.org.uk. You can also register by calling 08457 034 599, by emailing mps@dma.org.uk, or by writing to Freepost 29, LON 20771, London W1E 0ZT.

Visit Stop Junk Mail

I used to have one of their stickers on my door but it did virtually nothing to stop mail - having been a postie several Christmases, when I was young, I do have sympathy for them - and it is not always easy to see notices when you are moving quickly in the dark - then again a lot of junk mail doesn't come from Royal Mail. Sign the petition:

I don't think the petition has been well advertised - as not many signatures - then again I think it should be the other way around - rather than opt out of junk mail, all junk mail should be banned unless people say they are happy to receive it!

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