22 Nov 2007

Poppies, Iraq and refugees

The BBC phoned just as I was going away to family for a couple of days - they wanted an interview me as to why I wear both red and white poppies - they had picked up a previous blog item (see label below for more info) - unfortunately I missed the chance but did pass it onto someone else.

I have to say I find opposition to white poppies very strange - a minority seem to misunderstand them -one letter in the The Citizen even said: “wear your poppy with pride unless it’s the white variety usually sold in Stroud town centre – then wear it with shame.” The writer should know better - John Marjoram wrote a reply - see it here. I have discussed this issue before on this blog so wont repeat here otherthan to say that the White Poppy symbolises the belief that there are better ways to resolve conflicts than killing strangers.

Remembrance Day did get me thinking about Iraq - an issue I've not touched on for a while - it is still going on - it did seem extraordinary that no one mentioned Iraq - no one even mentioned the fallen of that country - I am only today catching up on emails and came across this link of a Pilger article on this subject. It is worth a read to remind us of the pain and horror of what is happening in that country.

One shocking fact is the number of refugees - as many as 5 million have now fled their homes but half of those are unable to leave the country - see article here. Those who cannot find refuge with relatives or friends are forced to live in temporary camps which have sprung up across the country. Accurate figures are extremely difficult to come by, but according to the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), two million people are now displaced within Iraq, while UNHCR indicates that another two million are refugees outside the country. Neighboring countries are increasingly closing their borders to Iraqis, suggesting that the number of displaced seeking shelter within the country is unlikely to fall in the weeks to come.

Why no media coverage of refugees?

You would think this would be big news but it seems that it is barely been mentioned - a suggestion in an email to me is that we should write to the news media
and ask why:

(1) They are not reporting on the huge refugee crisis in Iraq. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), claim that two million people are now displaced within Iraq, while UNHCR indicates that another two million are refugees outside the country.
(2) there has been no in depth reporting/ investigation on the number of Iraqis that have died as a result of the illegal Anglo-American invasion. The Lancet published research by the John Hopkins University and al-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad which calculated 655,000 Iraqi death. The British research polling agency, Opinion Research Business, has extrapolated a figure of 1.2 million deaths in Iraq.

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