5 Oct 2007

Heinz 'not so soup-er'

Just a quick post to applaud efforts by local food campaigners in taking on Heinz over their new tins of soup. Clare Gerbrands, organiser of Gloucester and Stroud farmers' markets, has said complained to Trading Standards about Heinz's new range of Farmers' Market soups.

She has called on Sainsbury's in Stroud to remove the soup from its shelves in support of the town's market, which will be selling its own farmers market soup on Saturday. As she says: "Everything is fresh and local at farmers' markets - and that soup is neither. There's no reason for Heinz to be using the name Farmers' Markets - they are nothing to do with farmers' markets."

To call these soups 'farmers' market' soup is patent nonsense - they are not made or sold in farmers' markets. It's purely a marketing gimmick. I have also written to Trading Standards and Sainsburys.

Apparently Sainsbury's says it has no plans to withdraw the soup range.


Anonymous said...

How can we lend support to this other than complaining individually; is a petition planned?

Philip said...

Petition sounds a good idea - I'll pass that onto Clare Gerbrands - certainly also complain individual.

Philip said...

I have also written to Heinz - Sainsburys answer below:

Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you think the labelling on Heinz Farmers market soups is patent nonsense. I can understand your concerns.

We at Sainsbury’s could not possibly comment on the product of another supplier. I can only suggest you take it up with Heinz. You can contact them on their careline on 0800 5285757 or email them through their main website at Heinz.co.uk.

We have no plans to remove these items from our shelves. We only stock what our customers are requesting and have not had any similar comments or complains as yet.

Thank you once again for your email. I feel certain that they will want to justify their labelling to you.

Kind regards

Barry Hudson
Customer Manager

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a protest could be arranged where by people go into stores and stick alternative lables to Heinz cans with the slogan "Hasbeens Means Heinz"


Anonymous said...

Like that idea