8 Oct 2007

Burma march and 'Troops Out' march

Too late for one and had to leave too early for the other march...so much for being the activist campaigner!

I arrived in London on Saturday primarily to see family - got there later than planned and only managed to see supporters of Burmese people - who had being marching earlier - going home - apparently several thousand had marched there (see photos here- final figure for number of marchers was around 10,000) and more across the world. In Gloucester there was also a demo outside the Total garage but not had news yet of how that went. At least now Gordon Brown is acting on Burma.

Photo: Protesters after the march supporting Burmese people and below outside Westminister before march today - Brian Haw talking to another protester

Today I had been hoping to support the 'Troops Out' march on my way back from London but various reasons meant I had to leave earlier than planned - I also heard that at the last minute police clearance was given - that in itself is a wee victory for democracy. The Metropolitan police had threatened to use legislation brought in to thwart the Chartists 170 years ago to block plans for a march to Parliament Square (see my earlier post).

5,000 people joined the demonstration (on a weekday), timed to coincide with parliament's first day back after the summer recess and Gordon Brown's statement on Iraq and his plans to cut troops back to 2,500 by Spring.

I have to agree with whoever it was who said on the radio we don't want the troops brought home just so they can be sent to Afghanistan or the Iranian border.

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