26 Sept 2007

A46: Wades Lane, Wicks Street and Slad also suffering

The photos here are from a resident in Pitchcombe - she contacted me after the press coverage we have been getting regarding Whiteshill. The traffic problems in Wades Lane and Wicks Street do appear to be very dire -I've added a paragraph to my email today to County - see below.

Meanwhile front page of The Citizen today covers the madness in Slad Road caused by the A46 closure - Green Cllr Lunnon pictured on cover and inside by the road - see here and photo below (although Citizen seem to remove articles quicker now).

See also various previous posts on A46 by putting A46 into search facility above. Updated at 14.30 today with initial response from Highways - more info to follow when available.

Re A46 closure - several issues:

1. Thank you. As I noted to the press and at Saturday's meeting in Whiteshill we have welcomed the efforts of Highways and police to provide relief for residents from the additional extra traffic. The support and thorough interviewing of residents by the Community Police Support Officers at that meeting was also very welcomed. The situation is still dire at times with queues of impatient drivers and cars travelling too fast but the situation has improved since the initial closure - the various measures you have taken like the leaflet to householders, traffic lights at Edge and police presence have been particularly helpful. Please pass on thanks to all involved: it is clear we need to remain aware of this blight on Whiteshill and continue to work to reduce the problem. Just this week the Parish are seeking to have the waste collection time changed to ease flows. Highways response: Thank you, it's good to hear that our efforts are appreciated, even though it sometimes doesn't seem so. We'll keep working at the problems.

2. Wades Lane. I understand some residents have been in touch with Highways over the problems in this Lane and Wicks Street. Some have sent photos to you which I have now also seen. It does appear to be a dire situation making walking dangerous - apparently one older person no longer risks walking up the lane to the bus stop. Incidents of road rage have also been reported, lorries have ignored the HGV signs and residents are very concerned that as the nights draw in, these lanes without lighting will become even more dangerous. This is clearly another challenge with no easy answers. However as a matter of priority I do consider that police presence in this Lane would help: residents report that they have not seen any police there yet. Have other measures also been considered like traffic lights and signs warning of delays to discourage traffic? Highways response: Some extra slow signs have already gone up, and there will be more to follow.

3. Puckshole landslip. Is there an update on when repairs will be completed? Highways response: I'm expecting a start in the next 2 weeks, and completion in about another 2-3 weeks.

4. Carshare and train travel. I initially had helpful responses from First Great Western but it has now gone quiet: to me this remains a perfect opportunity to publicise rail travel and carshare more vigourously to reduce traffic. I am disappointed that the County has not been able to capitalise on this.

5. Longer-term. The meeting last Saturday in Whiteshill re traffic problems was planned before the A46 collapse: residents have been deeply concerned by the speed of traffic and how the road divides the village - particularly children unable to cross the road to use the playground and discouraged from walking to school. You will probably be aware the village was exploring ways with Katie Griffiths and others to slow traffic. They still want to work towards a 20 mph but realise much is needed before that can be achieved. A big concerns is that even when the A46 reopens, Whiteshill and indeed other lanes will continue to have heavier traffic as people learn new routes and sometimes find them easier. We look forward to continued support to tackle the problems in this community.

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