2 Aug 2007

Randwick Runner 45th birthday

Yes I know I'm a month late celebrating and I missed the party in Randwick due to family but I didn't want to miss doing a blog entry to celebrate what could be the longest running weekly Parish newsletter in the country - nay the world - 45 years ago it was set up by the late Rev. Nial Morrison - he was also responsible for reviving the Randwick Wap in 1972 - an ancient procession and festival that dates back to the Middle Ages but was halted due to rowdiness in 1892.

Anyway the Runner was one time rattled off from stencil and duplicator in the Vicarage, and delivered by Nial on his bicycle - these days the Runner is more high tech' and has a circulation of around 300 for the price of a few quid. It is relied upon by many villagers and local groups for reaching the parts that other methods can't.... bringing news, reports, future dates and local humour.

Contributions or queries to randwickrunner (at) hotmail.com

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