14 Jul 2007

Sausage Sizzle before new Code of Conduct for councillors

Wednesday night I had a meeting on the new Code of Conduct for councillors - 2 hours at Ebley Mill while the sun shone outside - I arrived there smelling of smoke as I'd just spent time at the Woodcraft Folk's Summer Sausage Sizzle (see photos) - what a great local event - only just managed to grab a veggie sausage before I had to leave as it took ages to get the fires going.

I went as part of Willow Elfins accompanied by my partners 6 year old granddaughter - it used to be the Randwick Woodcraft Folk group but had to move to Uplands - anyhow it is lots of fun. There were at least 4 other groups there each with their own fire and sausages.

However I was going to pass comment in this blog on the new Code - clearly it is a useful clarification and update for councillors about what is a personal or prejudicial interest, what has to be declared, when and if we can still vote or talk on a specific item. The Code also removes some of the rules which have stood in the way of councillors acting as advocates for their local communities...plus a wonderful list of 'motherhood-and-apple-pie' qualities that are expected from councillors...but again isn't this still central government telling local authorities how to run their shows?

All Parish councillors will also need to become aware of these new rules - quite an undertaking and cost to publish the glossy A4 booklets and training etc. And hey it's a sunny evening now so this is quite enough of this blog entry - infact will anyone want to read about a Code of Conduct for councillors???

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