30 Apr 2007

Local press still not quoting Greens

The BBC rang me for a quote re a Lib Dem leaflet in Gloucester. Controversy surrounded a campaign leaflet which was sent out to gain Muslim support in the local elections in Gloucester. It apparently appealed to Muslims to vote for him - See some of my comment here.

Of course my recorded answer got cut very short on the BBC but The Citizen failed to even mention the Green party despite Greens having a candidate in the ward - every election I have to write to them top remind them - to be honest I am getting really fed up with it - I await a reply to my email below with interest!

I know it is difficult to represent all parties but your coverage in The Citizen today of the Lib Dem leaflet excluded the Green party from a quote re the leaflet. BBC Radio Gloucestershire were able to cover the four main parties views on this. I would urge that you please also could do this in future news items. It is hard enough for smaller parties to make our views known to the electorate without being excluded from such items.

It would also be great if you could perhaps cover issues like climate change that are going to have such a major impact on our County's economy and future. Scottish Friends of the Earth for example recently said that the Green party is the only party with policies that will tackle climate change: the Tories came bottom despite their green rhetoric.

I have already forwarded a list of candidate phone numbers to Lisa Bonnell. If you have any difficulties contacting them please phone me on my number below first or my temporary mobile number: 07817 456646.

All the best - Philip

Cllr. Philip Booth, Stroud District Green Party.

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